What is being planned for the directory? A rudimentary tagging system is on the horizon, to help people find publishers that work with specific kinds of comics. Better ways of categorizing the publishers is part of this effort (do excuse the haphazard naming that is there right now, I'm sure it would make most people's blood boil.)
What is the Comics' Publisher Directory? the CPub directory is an ongoing project to create a holistic list of publishers of comics, graphic novels, zines, artbooks, and all wishy washy visual mediums in between, for the express purpose of connecting comic artists, readers, and scholars to one another. The list includes online and physical publishers, as well as websites that allow artist to digitally publish their own work. Global publishing houses are encouraged to be on the list, as well as those who primarily translate existing comics. Cpub directory will not endorse nor include publishers who focus on creating hateful or hurtful rhetoric, with the exception of defunct companies for the use of historical study. The project is created and run by Calico 'Neomints' NM, and is a passion project.
Know or are a publisher that isn't on this list? Email ComicsPubDirectory@outlook.com to help expand the project!